You want to log onto a WiFi network with your mobile device. Your computer logs on automatically, but you've forgotten the password to get access with your smartphone or tablet. Fortunately, you have me to tell you an options for finding your WiFi password.
1) Go to Start. In the search box, type in "cmd". If your Start menu has the Run command, click Run and type "cmd" in the field.
2) Look for a black box that will pop up on your screen. At the top, you will see either C:/Documents and Settings/ or C:\Users\(Name)>
3) Type"ipconfig" using the cursor.
4) Hit Enter. On your screen, you will see a series of names and numbers. Look for the line that says Default Gateway. Write down the number that you see next to Default Gateway, including the periods between the numbers (e.g., When you're done, exit the box.
5) Navigate to Google or another search engine. In the address bar, type in the number that you just wrote down.
6) It will ask you for username and password. In both type "ADMIN"
8)Click the "Log In" button.
9)Go to the Wireless tab on the website that pops up. If you scroll down, you should find something called password. Write down your password and put it in a safe place in case you forget it again.
I hope it helped and if now goto this link
Now copy your ipadress .For me it says ""
Then folow the steps from step # 5
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